Dubstar: No More Talk on BBC TOP OF THE POPS
In July 1997, Dubstar made our third appearance in just eighteen months on the BBC’s flagship music show, Top of the Pops.
The performance was a blast, and No More Talk went down well. But looking back, our stage setup was a bit bizarre. The director clearly wanted a dramatic double shot of Sarah and her projection, which left me all the way over on stage right. Classic TOTP. It looked great on screen, though—and for once, Paul on drums got a generous amount of camera time.
A special touch that night? We were introduced by Northumbrian legend Jayne Middlemiss. Fun fact: back in 1989, I was in a Jesmond band called Said Liquidator with Jayne’s ex-boyfriend. The North East music scene really was a small world.
And in true Dubstar fashion, we wrapped up the night by hopping on an overnight train to Glasgow—complete with an all-night bar and the management company's credit card. What happened next is a classic Dubstar story...
In the meantime I thought it might be fun to include some of the comments from Twitter that appeared during the broadcast this Friday night. Each made me smile…